Review:Aloe Vera Products India

The winner of our second contest was again Nauzer instead of John Chow {as many thought} because his review came just after my hint.Nauzer as you remember was the winner of our first contest too.. others please gear up

This blog is about Aloe Vera based Health, Nutrition and Beauty Products from ,Forever Living India .Its again a blogger blog and is using one of our 3 column template.The site's homepage is all text and well managed, well done Nauzer! {All text means a very quick loading time}. The site's homepage contains an static title less posts which serves as an introduction to its visitors. How did she do that?

A Blog is like a diary where the newest entry is placed first.Remember you can change the date of your publishing by going to Post options and then changing it.You cahange the year to 2099 as I have done{just example} to make the post a static one at homepage.Similarly, if you want a separate section for links , publish a post dated 5-6 years back {depends on blog age. increase years if your blog is older than that}.That post will never show up in the homepage of blog but will give you a new post section!

Coming back to the review.. First impression I got, Adsense have more space than content links There are three identical adsense ad units Skyscrapers back to back. I don't know will it be beneficial or not.Maybe you can try a Conditional Tag hack to place Adsense unit between post url and post body which will definitely increase your bucks plus more CPM.You can also try putting an Adsense for Search in the top so visitors can get exactly what they need.Adding to this you can further try pushing the link unit to the page footer.Also as your site is all text, you can try posting Text referrals like "Get traffic to your site" or "Sign upto Adsense" or even "Buy a Holiday" [the third one is a referral product of Referrals 2.0]

I just ran through your weight losing scheme,

I didn't read whole of it, but the first impression I got is lack of professionalism in it.Any good blogger would had aligned that image or added a float styling to it.Remember this space between post title and body shouldn't be wasted

As for the rest, I don't know whether it suits your site or not, but a feed subscription option will keep your visitors glued to your site


  1. It is now well documented that beneficial properties on various skin conditions. This is a page which I would like to share with you all as it gives very useful information on aloe vera and its uses in various diseases

  2. I have come across this page on Aloe vera which in my view is the most comprehensive and complete information on Aloe vera and its benefits.

  3. I am using Herbal products from last 2 years and they are really effective natural products from Lass Cosmetics are 100 % pure. Nature cure is the best therapy to keep stay active in daily busy routine. I only prefer Natural Cosmetics they are safe for your skin as well as Your skin.


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