Lets prove Google we are promising publishers

I was a bit sleepy today.I used to check my AdSense earnings on every odd day since I was in the nervous nineties. today, when I logged in, I felt happy that my gross earnings are now in 3 digits( for some of you, you can do so in a day) but for me its a good experience to be there for the first time.

Now, as I have crossed the minimum payout limit, I want to be nice with them.Earlier I was a naughty chap creating hundreds of channels and changing ad placement almost daily.I want to prove that this blog is visited by a high quality traffic.The best way to do so is to put up referral Ad units instead of the normal AdSense for Content Ad units.

I'll be going for non-Google referral 2.0 Ad units.Recently they implied a limitation on first few successful conversions done by a publisher.So far I have done one only one successful conversion.They will be probably remove the limitation once I do 5 more to to enable me full payments.

I'll be replacing the most visible Ad unit, the post inline one with a referral 2.0 Ad . If I don't receive any successful conversion till 31st October, I will opt out.If I do, I'll publish a report about it in this month's site report.

What others are saying?
Problogger Amit Agarwal revealed that Referral 2.0 Ads are doing a good job for him.But Amit, then why did you remove those ads from your entire network?


  1. Hey congrats first of all!.
    That gives a great feeling!.
    Even now you should continue testing the ad formats....and regarding referrals I don't feel they are performing well .I feel that image ads(small) would do better even though only 1 ad appears in the space.....
    keep those cool posts coming...

  2. I just passed the 100$ on adsense as well today. Well, it took me quite a while. I think the referrals is not doing anything useful. I haven't made any conversion and I think it's better using the regular adsense.

    What's this limitation on adsense referrals that you are talking about?

  3. thanks for dropping by rajiv and retsu782000

    Regarding Referrals, even I'm not happy with its conversation ratio but it has a high CPA price.I've tried everything almost I suppose...maybe I think , I should have gone with a banner instead of square there.

    Retsu, the limitation is that publishers who haven't done few successful conversions in AdSense referrals, they are paid low for their first few conversations.

  4. Check out my Adsense-Preview-Tool!

  5. Nice blog, but adsence sucks *bookmarked this blog* :-)

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  6. I would be very interested in getting your information on how this move works for you. (congrats on breaking the $100 mark!). Please do keep me posted on how "adsense affilaite referrals" work out for you. Thanks!!

  7. hi way to go bro, i'm still wait for the pin from GA

  8. That nice, my best wishes are with you.

    Work from home

  9. Great for you. I've had 16 clicks, 2725 page impressions but I've just about $3. I started blogging since May and my unique visitor count is at a 1000, but I guess not many persons click on the ads. Let me know how long it took you guys to get to a $100 and any tips on how I can increase my earnings.

  10. Google AdSence not seems very nice in website.


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