Does your Blog needs a fresh look too?

Recently, some biggies' in the blogosphere had a brush on their blogs like Darren of Problogger and the most evil blogger ever,John Chow.which are the topic of these days discussions.The big question is
Does your blog needs a extreme design makeover too?
Some say its a 50-50 case.I say there are more advantages than disadvantages.
Advantages of giving a fresh look
  • We are humans.Its probably one of the most basic feature that you'll be bored with your design.You'll be more interested in tweaking the new layout rather than the old ones
  • More Room.According to Google analytics,70% of my traffic uses 1024 x 768 resolution or above.There was no point to waste some precious space for the remaining 30 % who used the lower resolutions.Though while designing,I kept in mind that at least the post area is completely visible to the ones using the lower resolutions without scrolling horizontally.With more space you can of course get more Ad spots{every one wants bucks}.Moreover, you'll let your visitors rediscover your site by linking to some good articles of the past
  • Impress Advertisers.Content is the King,Design is the queen.Everyone gets better with the more they write but design remains the same the one you created when you were a newbie. Advertisers hate blogs where sidebar's dropping, or some overlapping is there even when the content is better than that of A-Listers.A highly optimized and stylish look will act as an advertiser magnet
  • Build Buzz.Summertime's just over and your evil mind is not giving you excellent ideas.Just go through a design makeover and you'll have people talking about your new design.According to Technorati,{johnchow} got 100 back links with blogs just talking about the new design and same goes for Darren's problogger.They are all over the forums and social networks

  • You'll loose originality.Some say, with the fresh design may be cooler than the previous one but it isn't designed by the actual owner of blog in most cases and hence it looses trademark of the blog
  • It won't be perfect.John Chow is still not able to correct the horizontal scrolling glitch because he hasn't actually designed the blog.Though the most designers do their level best to give 100% result a few bugs are still uncovered
  • It will cost you.Don't expect the person designing to be generous.Good designers charge heavily.This problem is faced especially by small bloggers.
Ok I'm interested, but where to get a new design?
For Wordpress, JustSkins and Unique Blog designs are accepting applications
For Blogger{mind you XML commonly known as "new Blogger"}we are are pleased to say that we can offer you a good design.We have already done two design makeovers,one of them is available here


  1. You made some very good points in this article. I think it depends on what your site currently looks like and if it is suiting your needs. In my case, I need a custom theme... and am currently working on it. A blogger that just wants a new design for a change of scenery could probably spend their time/money on more productive things.

  2. Thank u for your originality

  3. you pointed towards some imortant noticable Points...
    best wishes...

  4. I am lo0ve to play the blog game.I wanna see my blog with so many new features.

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