Did you miss the action? I did...

Over the past few days, our blog went without any updates, reason is I had few exams on head.Now, they are over but I'm expecting more of them soon.Incase you missed out, I'll just summarize what happened in the blogosphere in the last few days.

  • Google adsense have anounced Adsense for mobile.A very useful feature for those websites who won't to monetize the mobile version of their website.I've not started yet with Adsense for Mobile because I am already using Feedm8 services to monetize the mobile version of Webtalks.
  • Google Adsense have also anounced Google Gadget Ads.It goes just like video Ads.For that you need an advertiser whose using Google Gadget Ads feature with Adwords.Don't forget to enable image ads option.
  • Yahoo bought Zimbra... Lots of cash involved
  • John Cow, have launched a MillionEuroWiki similar to MillionDollarWiki on their success and look what, they 've already sold 25 pages.Now how about a MillionRupeeWiki ?Don't forget to have a look on their design.
  • Natewhitehill's busy designing blogs and has already earned well over 13,000$ after the John Chow redesign.Wow!
  • Google have added a feature of slides in Google Docs.Simple but useful.

I try to deliver the best content to you, so it maybe that I'm not able to update this blog for a while.Make sure you have our RSS feeds to keep in touch


  1. Hey guys,

    This is shameless promotion:

    We just launched http://FiveDollarWiki.com where you can buy links for 5 bucks!

    The only difference is money here, the content would be about the same.

    This is top secret:

    On the sidenote, we are working on our Top Secret, http://OneBuckWiki.com which we will launch in few days but don’t tell anyone yet. Shhhh….

    We are also looking for couple people to build content. Basically we will hook you up with free pages and you have to put some good content right away.

    You can email me at max [at] fivedollarwiki.com


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