Display a list of all posts in Blogs

One of my visitor Hitesh Kulkarni sent a letter to me.
Here is the letter


I always wanted a list in my blog of the titles of all my post. Recently, I saw one in your blog. Can you please reveal, how do you do that? Is it that you just type in the links or you have done some of the coding work .Also I wanted to know that you are using old or the new blogger? Will the list function work in all blogging platforms?


Hello Hitesh, you forgot to mention your blog’s URL. This blog is using the new blogger XML template. To type in the links for blog posts was a very lengthy process, also it needed to be updated every time you post.But the method I use is very simple and works within seconds.Which ever blogging platform you are using, this method should work. All you require is a feed of your blog. Blogger has an inbuilt feed option for you. Your RSS feed URL should be http://www.yourblog.blogspot.com/rss.xml .Now you need to convert this into a simple javascript coding. You can get one converted here. Fill in all the details you want.

After you had that converted, Go to Dashboard > Layout > Page Elements > Add a Page Element > HTML / Javascript. Paste the javascript code you obtained in it. Click on save . Now give your blog a look . It worked !

This method can also be used for displaying recent posts list after posts or in the sidebar.
For this, you have to change the number of post titles to be displayed.
To add a recent posts list after each post , you need to parse the Javascript code. It can be done here. Then paste the parsed javascript in your XML template in this line “post footer line 2” paste it there and see the results.

Note:: This will only give recent posts and not the previous posts.


  1. thanks for the good information. I will try to use it for my blog http://myjewlry.blogspot.com/

  2. hye, i tried it and it works~


    but i got problem here..
    i want to display all the topic i got..
    i follow the instruction,
    but it wont show all my topic.

    y this happend?

  3. Hey , useful solution and nice blog too!!

  4. And do u know any way by which I can display a list of all my posts in a post??

  5. Fantastic! Been looking for a simple way to do this! You would not beleive how many convoluted and confusing methods are out there. Many many thanks!

  6. thanks for the information. please i want title of all my previous posts to be displayed on the right hand side of my blog so that my readers do not need to click on various months to read older post.

    How do i go about this.

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  9. Great info! I just used it on my sidebar at www.sirAdib.com

  10. Thank you so much...its nice :)
    I used it to display all my posts on
    Blogger Template World

  11. i downloaded 897 thanks i read about the problem with not been able to put a picture behond header
    have you solved it could you help me regards john

  12. When I convert my feeds to js, it doesn't show all the posts eventhough I select '0' for the max number. I've tried various sides and still the same problem. My feed URL is:



  13. Hey. Thanks.

    Useful solutions I got in your blog, I will try to add those in my blog for VoIP.

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  15. Good information, i will try tomorrow in my blog ..Very useful information.

    thank you.

  16. wow ... really great posts in your blog, i am following your blog.

    Thank you.

  17. Nice trick. Keep going like this.

  18. The change came about when Breitling Watches , the founder's son, created the first wristwatch chronograph in the world. Chronomat B01 next technological breakthrough pushed itself to the center stage of major Air Forces around the world. That was its independent chronograph push piece invented in 1923. While the previous chronograph was performed by the winding-crown, the new feature introduced a return to zero function and start function by just one push of the crown. In 1934, cumulative timer function was also added, just as what pilots needed when flying their planes.This impressive advance in chronograph mastery caught the attention of the Royal Air Force and the American Air Forces, and thus Chronomat Evolution had been appointed as their official wristwatch suppliers since 1936.

  19. Hey dude!

    This is one piece of info I've scouring the web for, you've made my life easy!
    Thank you.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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