Yes.this statement can be true as it is 40% of the current adwords subscriber's main objective is this only.Recently I was surfing the web.I saw a site with some ads.I visied the site of the advertiser.THere I saw two huge (ad)rectangles on top.In such a way that you needed t scroll down quite a bit to see what the content is.Even there we see a no. of targeted ads & many links.So I went through another advertiser's link.There I again saw that most of the main area of the page was covered by adsense in such a sense that users are forced to click on their ads.In this way the process carries on.But few advertiser s are also interested in selling their products instead of just putting in thousands of links which I think should is the right way.So subscribing to adwords does really mean just maximise your earnings by google adsense?Yes to some extent.Often surfers are bored just clicking on links but just not getting the desired material.This is obviously causing loss to a extent for the Advertiser who wants to sell their goods for most the web surfers just avoid clicking on the ads.


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