How to get your website crawled in google web search

many people in recent times have been asking me this prob.So I decided to write an article for it.

modify a bit
first all you need to do is make a text rich website.As google crawlers only crawl text.Don't give images that importance!.Dont emphasis on layout .
Links::they should be clean!in the sense,ther shouldn't be any overlaping on links.There should be distinct feature betweenthe ads n the links.(their color should'nt be matching)

Site navigation should'nt be difficultIt
means that, whatever page you are on your website,You should be able to navigate with the help of your links on any other page of your website.I recommend a menu for it.


  1. This is helpful info for me. I'm not sure, though, whether my site's ( content lends itself to a heavy presence of text (there aren't "articles" per se; it's a language learning site with heavy use of audio). Any suggestions for optimizing my site for SE's welcome. Thanks.

  2. See your site is a very different sought of and is relevant to those who want to learn languages via audio

    When I visited your site, I clicked n a link o learn Russian then I found a simple form and no backlinks to other feautures of your site

    Since SE's ignore forms too try making use of as many INLINKS as you can so that navigational poblem is not there

  3. I have a article directory website,do you think it will be crawled easily?
    Article banker .com Free Articles

  4. I have a webiste I'd like to have on google...


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