Get your blogger drafted'

Just when blogger used to sounded boring, blogger has something for impatient bloggers like me, The Blogger in Draft.

Blogger in draft is a special version of Blogger where we try out new features before releasing them to everyone. Think of it as our sandbox, or laboratory, or just “Blogger + new things.” By taking your feedback and looking at what works and what doesn’t, we’ll be able to make features that much better when releasing them to everyone.
To enable some of the most cool widgets, you need to log on from instead of . Don't be scared your posts won't be lost neither would be your template and also when you feel Blogger in Draft is crap, log in back from

what will I win?

Some of the most cool widgets like a dynamic poll element {of course adfree) which is already published for regular users too.

A search box powered by Google coop which collects sources from your entire blog and also linked blogs/websites and too is dynamic.

A Video uploading option direct from your pc into your posts

Enclosure links let you turn your blog into a podcast. If you’ve uploaded your audio or video to the web, you can link to it as an enclosure so that your readers can subscribe and download it using iTunes or another podcatcher. We’ve also gone ahead and added enclosure information for all videos uploaded directly in Blogger, making video podcasting crazy easy!
In simple, it turns your blog instantly to a video podcast

And ofcourse a different header...I have already engaged myself in this draft blogger, you can learn more about at its blog


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